Announcing the KYOEN 京縁 Exhibition

Kyoto Journal is delighted to announce that we will be holding a special exhibition at the Terminal Kyoto in early 2020 from January 25 – February 18.

shisendo by william corey

Shisendo by William Corey

Over recent decades, international recognition of Kyoto’s deep and rich cultural traditions has established the city’s reputation as a new international art center. A wide variety of cosmopolitan artists who either reside here, or visit regularly, create work that is intimately influenced by their experience within this very special environment. Their art represent a variety of mediums and styles, from photography to painting to pottery. They also link Kyoto with the world of contemporary art outside of Japan. This exhibition at the Terminal Kyoto will bring these artists together for the first time in a multifaceted group show.

KYOEN comes from kyo (京), which stands for Kyoto and en (縁) is a special connection, encounter, destiny. These artists were inspired in some way by the beauty, history, and culture of Kyoto, and their ‘connection’ to it may have been accidental or even mysterious, so therefore the character for en is used. One of the homophones of Kyo-en is 共演; it means to perform together with two or more people. Another homophone, 協演, means to co-create or cooperate; a joint venture. Another “en” is 円 or “circle.” Kyoen is indeed a circle of artists peacefully (円満) enhancing each other and the space in the Terminal, a superbly restored Kyoto machiya.


Sea to Stars by Sarah Brayer

Sea to Stars by Sarah Brayer


Kyoto Journal主催展示会。弊誌94号「Inspired by Kyoto」で取り上げた京都にインスピレーションを受けた外国人アーティストの作品を一挙に集める。近 年、豊かな文化や伝統の国際的認知の向上により、 京都は新しい国際芸術都市としての立場を確立しつ つある。パリでもなく、ボストンでもなく、京都だから こそ惹きつけられた海外アーティストと彼らの作品 を日頃よりアートと深い関係を持つ日本人オーディ エンスに紹介。外から「京都」を見る視点を持つ彼ら が着目した京都のエッセンスとは何か。そして古きを 重んじながら、新しいアイディアを生み出す彼らの芸 術性とは。同じ「京都」というコミュニティに属するア ート関係者が「共演/協演」し相互理解を深めると ともに、京都という都市が今後ますます国際芸術都 市として発展していく一つのきっかけづくりを目指す。



Screenshot 2020-01-09 at 06.56.43 Screenshot 2020-01-09 at 06.56.52


〒 600-8445 京都市下京区新町通仏光寺下ル岩戸山町424番地
600-8445 424 Iwatoyamacho Shimogyo-ku Kyoto

Admission Free | 入場無料
Open every day | 無休 9:00 ‑ 18:00
※Except Jan. 25th, the exhibition is open from 9:00 – 17:00
1月25日展示は9:00 – 17:00 オープンします。




Kyoto City Tourism Association (京都市観光協会)
SunM Color (サンエムカラー)
Shoyeido (松栄堂)
Shimaya Stays (シマ屋)
Kyoto Distillery
Alishan Organics


KYOEN 京縁 typography and pamphlet designs by Hirisha Mehta:


Thank you for supporting this event! Find images in our other post here.
kyoto journal logo red


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