KYOEN in pictures

Over three weeks this winter season, Kyoto Journal, with the help of some wonderful sponsors (Kyoto City Tourism Association 京都市観光協会, SunM Color サンエムカラー, Shoyeido Incense 松栄堂, Shimaya Stays シマ屋, Kyoto Distillery and Alishan Organics) and the Terminal Kyoto, was able to bring together the work of 25 artists in what was a rather unusual but highly successful exhibition. A big thank-you for your support! You can find the list of artists and exhibition concept here and a selection of photos by our intern Codi Hauka below. Enjoy!


William Corey set up

Mark ikebana

Alex Kerr


Marc Keane rusty car

Kyoen garden

Joel Stewart screens

John Einarsen

Jorie Johnson

Kyoen Robert Van Koesveld

Richard Milgrim

Richard Steiner

Brian Williams

Christine sumie

Daniel Kelly prints

Denis Guidone

Everett Brown photos

Peace Mask and Marc Keane bowl

Opening party

Kyoto Distillery

Opening party kampai

group photo

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