Discover KJ: Join us for a Talk and Q&A May 24!

<Japanese below>

What’s the story behind Kyoto Journal? What topics does it cover? And how is it possible for a magazine to be run entirely by volunteers?


We’re excited to hold an event that will speak to all of these questions and more about the longest-running independent English-language publication in Japan! Join us on Friday, May 24th at HOSTEL NINIROOM for an engaging discussion with our founder and some of the members of our team. Our speakers will provide a history of the Journal and its evolution over the past 32 years, with a Q&A to follow. RSVP through our Google Form.

This is a great opportunity to learn about the Journal in a casual and intimate setting, so if you are already a KJ reader please share this event with anyone you think may be interested!


Date: Friday, May 24th 2019 at 19:30

Admission: Free entry for those staying at the hostel. For everyone else, ¥500 to be exchanged for one drink at the bar.

Location: HOSTEL NINIROOM 30-3 Higashi-Marutacho Sakyo-ku 606-8395, Kyoto



<Nearest station and bus stop>

Bus: Kumano Jinjya-mae 5 min walk

Keihan Railway: Jingu-Marutamachi (Exit 4/5) 5 min walk

Subway: Marutamachi 20 min walk


1987年に創刊したKyoto Journal(以下KJ)は京都に留まらず、日本やアジア地域の生活・文化・社会を多様な視点から捉え、デジタルコンテンツ・紙媒体の発行を通して届け続けてきました。


*バックナンバーの販売 (-21:30)
最新号の93号「Food」に加え、その他バックナンバー、またインスタグラムでも話題となり大ヒットとなった写真集「Small Buildings of Kyoto」を販売します。まるでアート本かのようなディテールを施したKJ、この機会にぜひお手にとってみてください!
日時: 5月24日(金) 19:30開始 21時半終了予定
場所:HOSTEL NINIROOM 1F ラウンジ(Cafe/Bar)
お申し込みフォーム: (定員に達し次第、締め切らせていただく場合がございます。)
参加費:ホステル宿泊者以外 500円/人(1ドリンク込み)


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