Two poems by Robert MacLean appear in KJ100, ‘Sweeping,’ excerpted from his new book Waking to Snow (Isobar Press, 2021) and a haiku from I Wish, a recent anthology from the Hailstone Haiku Circle. The cover of I Wish also appears—designed by wood-block artist Richard Steiner.
Robert and Richard were published together in KJ 5, our Winter issue of 1988. (“Richard says, “My studio at that time was on the second floor of the Christian Science Reading Room and church. I saw this woman daily (DAILY!) hang her washing. I could not avoid putting her into a print.”)

the woman next door
who likes to flirt
with the mailman
and tofu man
and sweet
potato man
hangs her laundry out
bras and panties
pointed suggestively my way
Richard also designed the cover of the second issue of Kyoto Journal (on popular culture) drawn from his limited-edition miniature book Some Rare and Common Fushimi Clay Dolls.