The tea-masters of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, mostly lay adepts of Zen, were the ultimate artists in the use of water for its sound, form and haptic effects. Their intentions were naturally aesthetic ones, but often went beyond those — they did not only cater to the sensory delights of their visitors, but tried to sharpen their consciousness, too. Sen no Rikyu is quoted in the Nanporoku as saying: “The tea ceremony of the small room is above all a matter of practising and realising the way in accord with the Buddha’s teachings.” – Gunter Nitschke, The Soundsilence of Water
One day, across from the road from the taxi stand on the Tobu side of Ikebukuro Station, the cardboard boxes began appearing. I think there were five at first. Quite plain run-of-the-mill boxes delivered, as I later found out, by disgraced presidents and executive managers in soundtrucks blasting out their crimes and how much the convicted had swindled. The boxes piled up. – Lee Frank, Excerpts from the Ikebukuro Suite
Siva and Hermes – Philip Grant
The Soundsilence of Water – Gunter Nitschke
The Naming of a Crow – Yu Jian
New Roads to the Old Gods – Lauren Deutsch
Excerpts from the Ikebukuro Suite – Lee Frank
Visual Haiku – Photographs by Paul Takeuchi
Poetry – Zane C. Ivy, Winnie Anne Inui, Yosano Akiko
Here You Sit Amongst Ghosts – Lehan Ramsay
Time with Tamako – Stephen Redford
Spiritual Opiates Overlooked in the War On Drugs – Morgan Gibson
A Bridge for the Kamo River– Alan Le Mat
Signs of Darkness – Robert Brady
The Pillow Book, by Peter Greenaway — Lauren W. Deutsch
Conjuring Tibet: A Novel, by Charlotte Painter — Leza Lowitz
Confronting Silence: Selected Writings, by Toru Takemitsu — David Cozy
Broken Silence: Voices of Japanese Feminism, by Sandra Buckley — Andrew DeWitt
Straitjacket Society, by Masao Miyamoto — William Corr
Mr. China’s Son: A Villager’s Life, by He Liye with Claire Annie Chik — William Corr (including an account of meeting the author in Dali, Yunnan)
Basho’s Narrow Road: Spring and Autumn Passages, Narrow Road to the Deep Interior, and the renga sequence A Farewell Gift to Sora, Two works by Matsuo Basho, trans. with annotations by Hiroake Sato — Preston L. Houser
Cover Image by Mark Likgalter
published December 12, 1997