Kyoto Journal Issue 17


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Kazuo Ishiguro on Asian-British Writers
Kyoto Photography by Kai Fusayoshi
Poetry of Margaret Chula
Interview with Nagasaki’s Mayor Motoshima
The Other Side of Architecture


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“Paradise” derives from the ancient Persian pairidaeza, meaning an enclosed space or garden. The Sanskrit counterpart is paradisha, the supreme domain, the highest sphere, from the center of which a spring sends water flowing in the four directions. The river that watered the Garden of Eden is likewise said to have flowed from the garden in four directions (to the Nile, the Persian Gulf, the Tigris and the Euphrates). In the Koran, the four rivers of paradise are filled with water, milk, wine and honey.

If we wish to recreate paradise on earth as in heaven, there would be a spring at the center that flows in the four directions. Such a geometry of paradise has been beautifully preserved in the Islamic garden, with its central fountain or pool filling four waterways in the shape of a cross. Four gardens separated by four canals in a walled pairidaeza. —Takeda Yoshifumi, Topos of the Spring



Topos of the Spring– Takeda Yoshifumi
Grinding My Ink– Poems by Margaret Chula
Kyoto Straight – Photographs by Kai Fusayoshi
Thank You, Cinderella-san – F. J. Logan
Lovers, Leavers, Sons and Mothers – Ronald V. Bell
City of a Thousand Springs – Robert Brady
O-Jizo-sama Ceremony – Scott Berray
Poems – Hirata Toshiko
Rim – Alexander Besher
The Conscience of Japan – Nagasaki’s Nayor Motoshima Talks With Brian Covert
The Social Responsibility We Undertake – Toyoshima Mizuho
Building Buildings: The Other Side of Architecture – Michael Anderson
On Asian-British Writers – Kazuo Ishiguro Talks With Aoki Tamotsu


Cover Image by Takeda Yoshifumi
published April 15, 1991

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